7 quick and simple copywriting prompts that you can customise and use on ChatGPT or Google Gemini.

AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)

Act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) copywriting style tailored for my [product or service].

PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) copywriting style for my [product or service].

BAB (Before-After-Bridge)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the BAB (Before-After-Bridge) copywriting style for my [product or service].

FAB (features-Advantages-Benefits)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the (Features-Advantages-Benefits) copywriting style for my [product or service].

SSS (Star-Story-Solution)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the SSS Star-Story-Solution) copywriting style for my [product or service].

PPPP (Picture-Promise-Prove-Push)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the PPPP (Picture-Promise-Prove-Push) copywriting style for my [product or service].

A FOREST (Alliteration-Facts-Opinions-Repetition-Examples-Statistics-Threes)

I need you to act as a professional sales and marketing copywriter.

I need you to create an ad copy of [number] words using the A FOREST (Alliteration-Facts-Opinions-Repetition-Examples-Statistics-Threes) copywriting style for my [product or service].

Keep reading

David Hodder - 7 Quick and Common Copywriting Prompts For ChatGPT and Google Bard
Categories: AI